Welcome to the

Boston Pickleball League

  • Boston tennis league
  • Welcome to the

    Boston Pickleball League

  • Boston pickleball partners

Refer a Friend

With this: You can refer your friends below or email, facebook message or any other app this link:
This link lets our system know they are referred by you, but of course they need to use this link for it to work.

Did you know you get a 33% discount off your next season if a new referral joins the league?
If 3 referrals join you'll get a FREE season. Players also get Player of the Year points for referrals.

Enter value

Sample of email sent to your pickleball playing friends:

<Your name> wants to let you know about Boston

Boston is connecting passionate pickleball players who want to meet up on the courts.

Sign-up or get on the Interest List today!

Let's get out there and play.